The Complexity Within Simplicity


We are releasing a new series of phone cases that focuses on simplicity. Each case consists of a word in Arabic and its definition; it is a simple yet meaningful word. Every individual word serves as a reminder and encouragement for one’s goals and what one strives to become. Whether it be a characteristic, goal or reason to continue trying and putting in effort into this dunya*. With just one simple word the complexity of our mind and this world can be set aside to focus on what really matters. 

The collection has 10 phone cases with 10 different words and calls for a deep dive into each word and the complex meaning that lies behind it: 



(Sabr) Patience is one of the most honorable characteristics one can have, yet is  so hard to achieve. A remarkable and outstanding characteristic that Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) was known for even before the revelation of Islam. Rasulullah (s.a.w.) was patient throughout all his hardships, and from his example patience has become sunnah for the muslim ummah*. By carrying around a phone case with the word sabr written on it, it will constantly be a reminder to be patient during hard times. “For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease” “فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرً” (The Quran, 94:5). 



(Hilm) A dream whether it be for a want in this dunya* or for the life one strives to achieve in the akhirah*. At times of conflict and hardship, it takes a small reminder to remember the purpose of life. By glancing down and seeing the word dream and its meaning, one can remember the purpose of their actions and hardships. To achieve a dream far bigger than this dunya* and anything within it.


(Jamaal) Beauty, but of both, the exterior and the interior. A reminder that beauty is not only in one’s appearance, but also in one’s character. It is a reminder that physical appearance is not what makes up a person’s worth and meaning, but their beauty is in their actions and character.



(Salam) Peace is something all should strive and pray for. In a world where stress and anxiety rules people, it is important to remember to seek peace within one’s self. Carrying a reminder to be peaceful, helps prevent us from being taken over by the *dunya and the worldly problems that emerge from it. 


(Jawad) Is to be generous, liberal, and open handed. To give without the expectation of receiving anything in return, or to be selfless. A characteristic all should strive for because it serves as a reminder that the sole act of giving is more than enough for one to be satisfied.


(Karam) Acts of generosity and compassion. The most comforting and heartwarming interactions are those between righteous and compassionate people. Those are the people whose character is built upon karam. It is a trait that should be sought out in order for one to come in peace and be satisfied with themself. 



(Nur) Is the eternal light and brightness we must find within ourselves. It is consistently mentioned in the Quran and for a reason. Nur is a reminder that no matter how seized one can be by the darkness within this *dunya, there will always be a light found in it. In every hardship there is hope and  what better word than Nur to describe the blessing that is found in everything.



(Aqra) The command to read and the first command sent to Rasullalah (s.a.w) . Why? What is the significance of such an order? It highlights the importance of knowledge in Islam. Education leads to many paths and opens many doors making it foolish to not strive to be a little wiser everyday. Knowledge paves the path for a brighter and happier future. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever takes a path upon which to obtain knowledge, Allah makes the path to Paradise easy for him.” (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2646).


(Hub) Love, one of the strongest and most beautiful feelings one can experience. Such a strong feeling causes differences to be set aside and an indescribable force settles over. It is only felt by the heart and is only understood once experienced. Love can be found within the chaos that surrounds this *dunya and brings peace and relief to one’s heart. 


(Jennah) Paradise, a heavenly garden and the only thing we work towards in this *dunya. A place of eternal peace, beauty, and awe. A place no matter how well described will remain unimaginable. Nothing can compare to such a beautiful destination. It is what this life tests us for, to establish and build a home in paradise. With this case, a reminder of the life one strives for in the *akhirah is provided.

Key terms:

*Sunnah - A highly encouraged practice typically because the prophet (s.a.w) used to do it.

*Ummah - Muslim community that is bound due to sharing the same religious beliefs.

*Dunya - The temporary world (the one we are now present in)

*Akhirah - The hereafter, the final destination, the life that we will live for eternity.

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